Dr. Carolan Laudon will be part of the India Drilling & Exploration Conference
Dr. Carolan Laudon will be a keynote speaker at the India Drilling & Exploration Conference Digital Transformation (IDEC). IDEC was launched as a platform to bring & share the latest trends & developments & future of the oil & gas industry. The conference seeks to expand in-depth discussions, techniques and applied knowledge along with the technological challenges of oil & gas digitalization.
Dr. Laudon’s presentation will demonstrate a novel machine learning fault detection workflow based on CNN fault detection models trained from 3D synthetic seismic amplitude data and fault labels. Synthetic training data are potentially superior to user-picked 2D or 2.5 D models as they are more precise, are fully 3D, and have no interpreters’ bias embedded into the fault training data. In addition, each CNN model is trained only once but is applied to any 3D seismic data set, thus saving significant compute time.
Visit the event website for the complete event schedule and registration information.
Please visit our Products page to learn more about the capabilities of the Paradise AI workbench used in this presentation.
Carolan Laudon
Senior Geoscientist
Carolan Laudon holds a Ph.D. in Geophysics from the University of Minnesota and a B.S. in Geology from the University of Wisconsin Eau Claire. Carolan has worked as a Senior Geophysical Consultant with Geophysical Insights since 2017 applying the Paradise® machine learning workbench. Prior roles include Vice President of Consulting Services and Microseismic Technology for Global Geophysical Services and 17 years with Schlumberger in technical, management and sales roles. Her work with Schlumberger included offices in Alaska, Aberdeen, Scotland, Houston, TX, Denver, CO and Reading, England. Carolan spent the first five years after graduate school with ARCO Alaska in the exploration team as a seismic interpreter.