The material starts with an organization of seven principal groups or types of attributes, and proceeds to set out five primary groups of Single Trace attributes, including Instantaneous, the ‘Tool Kit’ attributes, Instantaneous Layer attributes, Banded attributes, and additional Banded attributes on phase breaks. Content is supported by the mathematical basis for each attribute with the corresponding graphical illustration in the time domain. Applications of each attribute are also briefly referenced. Banded attributes are described as the intermediate between instantaneous and multi-trace attributes. The final material is a comparison of the application of different types of attributes to multi-attribute machine learning geobodies and their relative sensitivity to being miss-tied to wells.
Single Trace Attributes
$20.00 – $30.00
Instructors: Dr. Tom Smith, President and CEO, Geophysical Insights
Total classroom time: 1 hour
The course focuses on Single trace seismic attributes, which include two general varieties: instantaneous and banded, sometimes called Wavelet attributes.
Single Trace Attributes | With Certification, Without Certification |