Machine Learning for Engineers: Case Histories in Finding Hydrocarbons
Deborah Sacrey
Auburn Energy
SUBJECT: “Machine Learning for Engineers: Case Histories in Finding Hydrocarbons“
Multi-attribute machine learning using SOM (which is an unsupervised learning process) can be shown to reveal details in the data not previously identified and which can be interpreted to be lithologic in nature. The detail comes with the statistical analysis of the data based on information from each sample at each trace in the data. The result of this sample-based statistical analysis is that one can interpret thin-bed resolution well below conventional wavelet tuning. This in turn, helps with highly accurate reservoir prediction when one ties the information to existing production or in the estimation of new reserves in exploration plays.
This presentation will have examples showing how to accurately calculate known reserves from a reservoir and estimated reserves in an exploratory project. There will also be an example of visualizing depletion as well as case histories in finding hydrocarbons in both carbonates and clastic deposition. Areas covered will be unconventional reserves in the Meramec of central Oklahoma, Upper Wilcox in Duval County, Texas, Austin Chalk, Gonzalez County, Texas, Edwards Reef, Central Texas, Frio in Brazoria County and Penn Reef, Dawson County, Texas.
SPEAKER: Ms. Deborah King Sacrey
Ms. Deborah Sacrey is a geologist/geophysicist with 48 years of oil and gas exploration experience in Texas, Louisiana Gulf Coast, and Mid-Continent areas of the US, and internationally she has worked in Australia, Tunisia, Gulf of Thailand, Turkey, Hungary, Germany and Columbia. She received her degree in Geology from the University of Oklahoma in 1976 and immediately started working for Gulf Oil in their Oklahoma City offices. Deborah has been very active in the geological community. She is past national President of SIPES, past President of the Division of Professional Affairs of AAPG, Past Treasurer of AAPG and Past President of the Houston Geological Society. She is also Past President of the Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies and has been on the Advisory Council of AAPG twice. Deborah is also a DPA Certified Petroleum Geologist #4014 and DPA Certified Petroleum Geophysicist #2. She is President of AAPG for the term July 1, to June 30, 2025.