Dr. Carolan Laudon and Dr. Jie Qi Join Our Friends at UTP to Discuss the Future of AI in Subsurface Imaging
Due to the rapid advancement in seismic imaging technology, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP) invite you to join their upcoming webinar to enhance your knowledge on the recent advancements in seismic imaging technology.
Along with the moderator, Associate Prof. Dr. Hassan Soleimani from Centre for Subsurface Imaging, UTP, they have gathered six world-leading subject matter experts as their panelists: Mr. David Markus (dGB Earth Sciences), Dr. Carolan Laudon and Dr. Jie Qi (Geophysical Insights), Dr. Katja Schulze and Mr. Raymond J.W. Pols (Craytive Technologies), and Mr. Sami Elkurdy (Azimuth Geosolutions), to share their knowledge and answer your lingering questions on subsurface imaging.
This webinar is free and open to all. The details are below.
- Date: 16 August 2022
- Time: 14:00 – 16:30 (GMT +8)
Register for the webinar by clicking the link below.